Attachment: The Detriment of the Moment

Life Should Only Be Exactly What It Is

Rayne C
a Few Words


Everything that we see is. It exists. It’s existing.

When a word is muttered, it is muttered. That word created a moment that now exists. And in this moment, more this and thats appear at rapid speed. All existing.

Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

It is wondrous and magical the way that life works this way. That we create moments and make things happen with words and actions or by reacting to the words and actions of others.

We are given options of how to handle life. We can do everything in our power to control the moment, we can worry about what will happen afterward, or we can sit back and watch it all unfold whilst doing only our best as we go.

Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

As I grow and evolve as a human being on this planet living this life, I learn more and more about attachment to feelings and our predetermined judgement of the moment.

The way I see it, many of us are attached to our feelings. We decide whether something is good or bad, beautiful or ugly, fun or boring. We basically make a decision, or an agreement with our self, that something is a certain way.



Rayne C
a Few Words

Thinker of thoughts, feeler of feels. Writing to understand the many aspects of our existence and the meaning of this experience.