Breaking out of the shell

Overcoming insecurities

Shania Wong
a Few Words
3 min readJun 11, 2020


Photo Credits : isha

In today’s superficial society where what we see on social media seems to define a person’s life, this comparison and envy of other’s looks and lifestyles has increasingly become the root of many insecurities.

Social media has shaped how many of us think we should look, feel and think to be “ideal”. This has stripped us of our individualism, and many are starting to look alike, or are even “copies” of others they “look up” to.

The list is never ending, but each starter pack includes:

  • Flat Stomach
  • Clear Skin
  • Hourglass Figure
  • “11-line” abs
  • Big Booty

There are so much more to add on, but I too, have fallen for this vicious cycle. Trying to keep up with them has worn me down with all the negativity that kept consuming me.

It deflated my self confidence, and I kept thinking to myself:

“What am I lacking? Is it how I look? Is there anything else I can do?”

Hence, I would like to share my thoughts on how I got out of that cycle, so that you too would stop falling for these “influences”, and start thinking for yourselves.

1. Stop being a “people-pleaser”

Why should we have to make others happy at our expense?

Stop thinking so much about how others think of you. Why does it matter what they say about how you look? Usually others criticise when they are envious of something that they don’t have! Pay less attention to what people say about you, unless it is useful critique.

Learn to distinguish critique from criticism!

2. Do whatever you want, as long as it is within healthy guidelines

  • No starving yourself to achieve that ridiculous figure
  • No going on crash diets or unsustainable ones
  • If you want to work on your body, then do it through hard work from exercising consistently

Don’t keep comparing your progress with everyone else. You don’t know their life story, how hard they’ve worked to reach where they are today, how much time and effort that they have put in, etc.

Comparing like that will only dishearten you, and discourage you from any progress. If you are working on body transformation, it definitely takes time for your body to adjust to whatever you are adopting, regardless of diet or exercise.

Give yourself time, and no matter how small, progress is still progress. You are still moving forward, each time a step closer towards your final goal.

These 2 points have helped me in more ways than one and how I see myself although there’ll still be bad days.

Sure, it takes time to get over thoughts like these, but always be patient with yourself! Change cannot be made overnight, so don’t expect anything drastic if you’ve just started changing your lifestyle recently.

All the best and know that you are not alone! There’s always a community of like minded individuals out there that you can connect with to stay motivated!

This story is published in a Few Words, Medium’s publication that only accepts stories under 500 words.

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Shania Wong
a Few Words

Quirky business student exploring various writing styles with a passion for traveling, nature, sports, food, language, and gaming!