Change Your Timeline Before You Get There

And change what you might eventually regret.

M.P. Erickson
a Few Words
3 min readJan 30, 2021


Have you ever stared out into space and wandered through all your past regrets? You know, the ones you wish you could change. The ones that hover over you like a dark cloud threatening rain.

If you have, then I have both good news and bad news! You can change your past, but only the past that will eventually be.

Yeah, I know, it’s a bit of a play on words, but hear me out.

I love shows and movies about time travel. It always fascinates me how the interweaving of actions in the past can affect the future. One character usually tries to play with the timeline in the past with cascading effects. Often this leads the protagonist into a perilous plot to correct whatever damage has been done to the story's fictional timeline.

In fiction, it’s never a good idea to mess with the timeline. But in reality, it’s crucially important for us to be a timeline changer. For the better, that is.

Your actions that you take today will change the future. You are in a sense creating a timeline that didn’t exist with every action you take. Because in the future, your present will be your past. So with every action or inaction, you are creating a future in which you will either regret or not regret your past.

This opportunity is available to everyone, so why not use this knowledge for good? Be a timeline changer and save your future self from embarrassment, disadvantage, or ruin by taking action now.

What books can you read to build your understanding? What class can you take to grow in an area you’ve been wanting to? What habits can you change with the time you have right now?

You can transform your mind by filling it with good. By consistently renewing what goes into our minds we can form new habits, get rid of wrong mindsets, and a host of other negatives.

It works in the opposite way also, so take care what you decide to feed yourself.

If you are up for a challenge, then take it to the next level.

Who can you invest in so their future self has a better outcome? Who can you mentor so they can learn what you know? Who can you be a friend to? Who can you help who is struggling?

Instead of complaining about the way things are in areas out of your control, be a source of change in the areas that are in your control.

The only way to limit the number of future regrets is to do now what you will wish you would have done in the future.

The best news is this isn’t science fiction, this is reality.

And all the time you need is right now.



M.P. Erickson
a Few Words

Growing up around the world has given me a unique view to share. My goal is to challenge and give hope. Writer for Building Beginners;