Christyl Rivers IS My Real Name

People kid me about my name. It’s just too perfect for an Ecopsychologist

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
a Few Words


Humanity meets the river, Photo by Gustavo Souza


What is that? Ecopsychology studies our human belonging to nature. Nature is where we evolved. At present, we disconnected ourselves from her wisdom, and we are fighting to get back our abundance of clean air, water, food, and biodiversity.

In other words, we want to rediscover — or is it recreate — pristine oceans, healing forests, stunning deserts, vast, open grasslands, glistening snowfields, and yes: crystal rivers.

As a late Boomer, I could have been given my name by young hippies. But that is not the case. I am named, rather, by a coincidental event. My mother wanted a “Christy” to honor her grandmother and aunt with that last name. Think Agatha Christie, or some such.

I guess my dad, (who filled in the birth certificate) wanted to sparkle it up a bit. My family still calls me Christy.

The universe is a funny place. What is your name? What are its origins? I wonder, at times if the universe chose my name, or, if I chose it, somehow. I wonder if nature chose me, or perhaps, if I drifted toward nature by the flow of my name.



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
a Few Words

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.