Cleansing Facebook Will Improve Your Mood

Why use it if it doesn’t make you happy?

David Fox
a Few Words


Photo by Con Karampelas on Unsplash

If you are anything like me, you have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. Love that it lets you keep in touch with friends and family you might otherwise never see, but hate its data mining and how it fills up any downtime with a desire to partake in an absent-minded endless scroll.

The push and pull of wanting to leave Facebook but accepting that it has some uses can be difficult to manage. But there is a third way, which is to improve your Facebook.

Your Facebook friends likely fall into a few categories: actual friends, family, work colleagues, ex-work colleagues, people you went to school with, friends of friends and total strangers. Hopefully, you don’t have many of the latter, but I notice people on my newsfeed I don’t recognise.

Improving your Facebook experience is simple: get rid of the people you don’t care about. If you think the un-friending of certain people will cause trouble (family or work colleagues, for example) then remain friends but unfollow them.

I uncluttered my Facebook feed, joined cheerful Facebook groups (ones where people post pictures of their pets) and my experience is much improved. Now when I log in I see posts from people I like, websites I enjoy, and pet photos. I…



David Fox
a Few Words

The challenges and triumphs of parenting while disabled. Email: