Clearing The Cache

Thoughts on letting go

Ann Litts
a Few Words


Photo by Simon Abrams on Unsplash

Right now I am in the process of closing all my tabs, clearing my cache, deleting my history. The History of my working life.

I am uploading a new operating system. It’s a bit slower than the previous one and automatically blocks pop-ups and other annoying ads.

This is what retirement feels like to me.

I had physically done just this on all the electronics I turned back into my former facility. But now it feels like I’m also repeating this process mentally.

What apps will I keep? What files will I delete? It’s way past time to empty the trash.

It was with unmitigated glee that I uninstalled the video program which connected me to my weekly staff meeting. I also deleted so many files and bookmarks that are no longer relevant to my new, improved operating system.

Going forward, I’m going to be cautious about what I let back into My Life. We all know viruses and cookies are lurking everywhere. They only need one click and they take over our existence.

And I’m planning to spend way more time in sleep mode. Or shut off altogether.

Because everything works better when it’s rebooted. Including Humans.


