Consciousness as a Universal Law: What Makes Something Conscious?
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Consciousness as a Universal Law: What Makes Something Conscious?

Gravity arises due to mass and so it may be with consciousness

Lorenz Duremdes, Polymath
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2020


First of all, I would like to thank Britni Pepper for introducing me to this wonderful idea:

It’s a really simple idea actually, or at least its basis:

Just like gravity arises due to mass, consciousness arises due to X.

Now, what would “X” be?

I mean, obviously matter and energy, but how should they intertwine with each other in such a way that consciousness arises i.e. what would the minimum requirement be for consciousness?

I am currently reading the book:



Lorenz Duremdes, Polymath
a Few Words

Primary: Intelligence Amplification (Overlap: Computer Science) | Secondary: Sports (Data) Science (Specialization: Road Cycling and Resistance Training)