Courage and Fear

Sheila Syahira
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2020

Being alone and being lonely are two different stories.

Letting go and giving up are two different ways.

Love and attachment are two different ‘style’.

To distinguish them, we must return to our Self, so we can happily being alone, know how to gracefully let go and truly know how to love.

Teach and guide ourselves to the edge where we have no option, unless to tear off the mask and reveal all layers that had become our veil from acknowledge our true Self.

When we do that, we no longer need all those fake things. We are exposed, imperfect and real!

That simply needs courage, therefore courage is the power.

Speaking of power, we need to understand that courage and bravado are also from two different sources.

Bravado is from our ego and still contains fears, that’s why it won’t last and will always need a ‘booster’. While courage is from our Self and contains faith. In term to differentiate them, the only proof to ourselves in knowing whether we have courage or bravado is to do some leap of faith in our lives.

Picture from Canva

Do it, even when our hands are shaking.

Do it, even when we have the urge to run away and hide.

Do it, even when we need to cry first.

Do it, do it and do it especially when we try to find so many reasons not to do it.

So by this, we’ll learn that fear is just an unfinished lesson that needs to be acknowledged by exposing it, not by hiding it, in order to gain courage.

Note: Self with capital S refers our true selves without any ego attachment, based on C.G. Jung’s theory.

This story is published in a Few Words, Medium’s publication that only accepts stories under 500 words.

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