Crunch time for Finals

Leslie Lozada
a Few Words
Published in
May 10, 2022


Photo by Praveen Gupta on Unsplash

Looking around the library, the signs of life evident, as well as lovers of books.

I can have books at my table that aren’t my own. And a space that I can see the world go back, while trying to make sure I keep my focus on the concept of death through an Anthropology lens.

There is a lot to do, and only so much time before the deadlines are too close.

I sip my coffee, turn on a relaxing YouTube video, and getting started on writing about how would my own funeral would look like, and how fun it could be.



Leslie Lozada
a Few Words

A writer from the tender age of 10. Writer, editor for Medium and Editor In Chief of NEIU’s Independent. Connection: