Curly hair boy.

a Few Words
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2023

A poem, or is it?

How nice is it that our lives once cross paths.

You taught me a lot.

The memories will forever stay.

But perhaps you are meant to be only in a chapter of my life.

That soon we will both depart.

To our own goals, to the better versions of ourselves. Whatever we want to be.

Memories are good, but we don’t live through them again.

And when we depart today,

At least we know that we have once been a special someone in each other’s chapters.

Or, at least I know that you have once been a special someone in my chapter.

Perhaps we will meet again.

Perhaps our lives will cross paths again.

Perhaps you will change, perhaps you will not.

Will you still want to be a police officer, or will you not.

But who knows? We may never meet again.

But at least we both know that we have once made up each others’ lives.

A significant part of my memories, it is.

Good or bad or not, you made up me.

And maybe, I made up you too.


at the end,

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, we are both human beings.

Trying to live our lives. Trying to live up to our personalities.

Personalities that make us different, personalities that scream no to society’s stupid and rigid rules.

And isn’t that what makes us special?

We are human beings after all.

Human beings, who are not perfect.

And that’s what makes us special.

We both, as human beings, trying to live our each version of lives.

Trying to figure out how to live up to our innate personalities and strengths.

In different ways, where there is no right or wrong.

No right or wrong, as what society told us.

Emotions come.

Obstacles, good or bad.

We may fail, or we may not.

We may be happy, or we may not.

We may be fulfilled, or we may not.

But does it even matter in the end?

We are human beings after all.

We may meet again, or we may not.

But does it even matter in the end?

Regardless of that, we just know that we have once been a special part of each others’ lives.

That we should always treasure this part of us.

That we are human beings after all.

That we are actual human beings after all.

That I am grateful for this part of memory of you.

My curly hair boy, my friend.



a Few Words

living and exploring life. I like to write about random stuff.