
To Every Heartbroken Dumpee

Mr. OsCarter | 奧斯卡特
a Few Words
2 min readJul 29, 2020


Photo by Shane on Unsplash

Stalking, stalking, stalking.

Almost half a year.

You kept scrolling her Instagram, viewing each photo, and waiting for her latest stories.

Almost Every Day.

More often than not, you tried finding your footprints among those posts, searching your remaining existence in her profile. The day two of you went to Disneyland, enjoying the lovely moment in the merry-go-round; the day you sent her a little puppy, celebrating her happy birthday; the day she was touched when you sit next to her, telling her the most memorable speech ever:

No matter how cruel the world is, I promise I won’t leave you alone.

So Pure. Memories were adorable.

But, who cares now?

You turned off the screen and laid on the messy bed.

“Have I grown up?”

While gazing at the dim ceiling, the question raised in your mind without an answer.

“We need to grow up.”

It was the last sentence she said before leaving the chat room.

Why couldn’t we grow up together?

Starting from saying “ I Love You”, you had foreseen to be the one: The only one who would stand with her till the end of the world. You didn’t care about any challenges, obstacles, and hardships as you believed passion and commitment could last forever, like the first day of love.

“We can get through the hard times. Can’t we?”


No reply.


One day, a notification popped up from your phone. She shared her latest selfie on Instagram. Here was the description:

A whole stack of memories never equal one little hope.

— Charles M. Schulz


you realized the reason why she chose to be alone.

It might be the toughest decision she had made in her life.

Day by day. You were getting better and better.

Yet you just couldn’t emotionally overcome the reality. Occasionally,

Anger, Sadness, Resentment, Disappointment,

all I called as EGO,

would drove your finger to click the button of “DELETE ACCOUNT”, but you hold it on since she still occupied a special place in your deepest fragile soul.

Therefore, you chose to “DEACTIVATE”:

The only way to manage your sentiment, learn from the past, and always, love yourself.

“Why are you disabling your account?” the Autobot asked.

You clicked “Something else” among those choices……

“I have to grow up.”

