Dear Anxiety, Just Stop

Stop Trying To Take My Life Away From Me

Gabriela Vela
a Few Words
2 min readSep 22, 2020


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Why is so difficult to be me

To know who I really am

You put me through the edge

Adrenalin running through my veins

To reach someone I'm not

Dosis of social media

Became my silent drug

Sleepless nights and cigarettes

Nothing really matters

When you’re there at the end of my day

You’re bad for my health

Am addicted to you

I should probably get some help

But I can't control myself

Endless conversations about you

You’re toxic

My personal drug handed to me

25 since 17teen

Living a life that is not mine

I refuse

Running away from the past

Still can’t understand my future

I got trapped with you

Darkness: Anxiety is love’s greatest killer.

I’m addicted to the help

My heart is getting sick

Can’t recognize what’s real

You make it seem like something better awaits but,

Slips from my fingers every day

You represent everything I need to quit

But can’t

You might be my hope

Or my worst enemy

Is this a lost cause?

I refuse to believe that

A new day with dreams about the future

Daydreaming is so selfish

Wasting the time I have now

For something that might not come

You’re trying to fuck me up

The perfect lie

A new though

And I’m back with you again

You are driving me mad

People are gonna call me crazy

Cause I keep coming back for more

Daydreaming became my favorite scape

You’re the best I ever had

You’re there when no one else is

A mind trick you always play

Mom and Dad care

I push them away to be with you again

I got caught up on your lies

Eyes closed and it looks just like you

I know how to play

I know how to scape

You’re not here to stay

I hope we never meet again

