Don’t be ashamed of crying

Tears can bring more benefits than you imagine

Himanshu Gupta
a Few Words
2 min readJun 22, 2020


“Laughter is the best medicine,”

“Smile goes a long way,”

But nobody tells you that crying has benefits too.

We all considered crying as a habit of weak people, who could not confront the difficulties in life and cry once they found every door locked.

But on the contrary, research has proved crying has so many benefits we are unaware of.

Crying is a common human action triggered by various means such as emotional pain, physical pain, joy, etc

We have a habit to suppress our tear as a sign of weakness but missing benefit as listed below

  • Crying can elevate your mood

Have you ever noticed after crying you feel relaxed and feel much better?

It’s because after crying, you are releasing toxins and harmful hormones from your body via tears which regulates your stress levels.

This improves your sleep pattern, your immune system, and helps you to regulate your blood pressure.

  • Helps in relieving pain

Researchers have found with crying you can lower your physical or emotional pain.

As during crying, your body releases hormones which help to make people happy and ease pain and promote a sense of wellbeing.

  • Improves vision and kills bacteria

The most fundamental job of tears is to keep our eyes hydrated.

They not only lubricate the eyeballs but they prevent dehydration of various membranes.

Also, cleans and wipe out all the bacteria collected all day from your eyes. Tears contain the chemical which kill 90–95% of bacteria and improves your immunity.

  • Crying helps in strengthen the bond

Once you are crying, only true loved one will come to comfort you. By crying, you are showing your unique nature and help them understand your genuine nature.

This way you can build a sound foundation with family and friends and also you can identify who is your genuine friend.

Only a genuine friend can sooth you during crises rest are audience

So next time you feel vulnerable or overwhelmed with emotions or pain but you won’t cry because you fell embarrassed, remember the benefits listed above and give yourself a chance to enjoy the tear’s benefits.

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Himanshu Gupta
a Few Words

Software Architect @ Gigaforce | Avid Reader | Technical Blogger @