Embracing The End

So You Can Begin Again

Concierge Jo-Anna~Communications Connector
a Few Words


Unsplash-Bruchin Noeka

Life is hard. Even when it’s terrific. It’s a constant dance of knowing where & when to put your foot next.

I’ve never understood, & will ask the gods one day, why our first instinct is always to hunker down & hold on? Even when we’re in pain. Even when we know it’s clearly not working.

I always imagine it as what happens when most of us fall on water skies. Logically, we should let go immediately. But inevitably, almost everyone holds on for dear life. Gulping water, scared & disoriented.

Learning how to embrace-even celebrate the end of something has been one of the hardest lessons to learn. Intellectually, I know it’s better for me. But most often, I spend a bit of time clutching the figurative railing, refusing to let go.

It’s getting easier with time. Certainly, current events have forced us all to begin again. It’s our gift by the door in such times of loss.

It’s still hard. And it goes against our initial instincts.

I’ve taken up the idea of the Irish wake. Celebrating the end, beautifully dressed, with music, candlelight, food & wine. Consciously acknowledging the end with a party. Knowing that if I do, I will have a better chance at beginning again.

Hopefully, exhilarated by the challenge. Revelling in the anticipation & sparkling newness of it all.

Best, Concierge Jo-Anna

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