Emotional Wreck but What’s Wrong with That?

Letter to the people who think I’m too emotional

a Few Words
2 min readOct 20, 2020


Photo by Luis Galvez on Unsplash

To the people who think I’m too emotional,

Yes. I’m emotional. Too emotional.

I won’t be lying if I call myself an emotional wreck. It’s 100% true.

But, the question is why do you people say it like it’s a bad thing? As if that’s supposed to be an insult?

I mean, I just feel a lot of things and it’s more like I let myself feel all of it because what’s the point behind keeping it all inside? Who’s the one really hurting on the inside?

I immediately become immature if I get sad over a little thing and it’s overreacting if I express the way I really feel.

I let myself feel all the sadness and the gloominess because that doesn’t make me weak. You don’t grow out of something you don’t go through.

Yes, I get sad easily, I stress over almost everything but why is it that no one sees how I become the happiest because of the smallest of things too?

When a series of things happen, you realise hiding and faking it doesn’t help. Feeling it till it no longer affects you helps. Expressing and putting even the saddest things in words helps. Crying over it till it no longer makes you sob helps.

I have realised how much I’ve grown as a person in the past few years. I have realised how I’m mature in ways people don’t know about. I have grown out of things I thought would affect me for too long. And lastly, I have become proud of the emotional wreck that I have become.

Yes, I’m too emotional and if that means I have almost no control over my emotions then so be it. I’m pretty happy with the person I am today and guess, that’s one thing you won’t notice because you’re too busy looking at the negative.



a Few Words

Just trying to pay enough attention to the unspoken words. || IG: saanya_khunger