Expectations — Your Greatest Antagonist

Dylan Chia
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2021


Photo by Nikko Macaspac from Unsplash

Life is like a movie, and we’re the protagonist starring in our adventures through life. As we progress, we’ll be introduced to our supporting cast, ranging from characters like classmates to one-off characters like the cab driver from yesterday. Eventually, we’ll be introduced to one of the more permanent characters: the antagonist.

Regardless of whether it’s a school bully or strict parents, we’re sure to encounter and eventually overcome them as we grow. However, what happens when one of the antagonists in your life is yourself?

It’s to be expected at one point, as we are sometimes the culprit hindering our progress. It can come in many forms, such as procrastination or denial, but at its core, I believe it’s your own expectations pulling the strings.

Consider this, we’re usually stressed out by something at every stage in our lives, as we are pressured to do well or risk falling behind in the rat race we will eventually — albeit unwillingly — take part in. Thus, this causes us to have certain expectations of ourselves and our abilities.

These expectations may or may not be realistic depending on our goals, and generally can help to keep us on the right track. However, it doesn't necessarily mean we will hit those targets, so what happens when we don't?



Dylan Chia
a Few Words

A creative space for me to transform my thoughts into words