fake it till you make it

tobi — Audio Writer
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2023

Ever gone from tossing confetti at life’s party to wielding quotes like a sword, and somehow ended up a self-taught surgeon of your own destiny?

Photo by Olga Guryanova on Unsplash

So, you’ve heard the phrase “fake it till you make it.” It’s been thrown around like confetti at a graduation party, and just like that confetti, its interpretations can be messy. Some folks misuse it, turning it into a mantra for dubious deeds. But let’s dissect this phrase, shall we?

The Double-Edged Sword

Much like a knife in the hands of a surgeon, it’s a powerful tool for transformation but in the hands of the killer, well, let’s just say they’re not crafting a five-star meal recipe; it’s more of a horror show on the menu.

My Surgical Journey

Personally, I’ve taken the surgeon’s approach to “faking it.” I’ve dissected my heroes, not in a creepy way, but by listening to their shows, reading their books, and immersing myself in their content. It’s a meticulous process, like performing surgery on my writing and workout routines. Through this, I’ve crafted my own style, my own voice.

Fake It or Effort It?

The essence of “faking it” lies in putting in the effort. It’s not about deception; it’s about diligently working on oneself, layer by layer until you’ve built something uniquely yours.

Misleading Mantras

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room. Mantras like “Just do it” or “Follow your passion” can be as misleading as a clickbait headline. What if someone’s passion involves murder? Should they follow it blindly? Probably not.

Taking Control

We take control of our lives when we can operate on these taglines with surgical precision, using them to carve out our path, to construct the life we envision. It’s not about blind imitation; it’s about taking control, one deliberate cut at a time.


So, the next time someone tosses “fake it till you make it” your way, remember you’re not just faking; you’re sculpting. You’re performing surgery on your life, molding it into a masterpiece. Because, in the end, it’s not about faking; it’s about BECOMING.

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tobi — Audio Writer
a Few Words

Award winning bathroom singer🥇| write what you love—until you love to write 🫵🏽 | https://tobitotheworld.medium.com/subscribe | Editor: Short.Sweet.Valuable💚