Give in to Joy

A Heartfelt Piece to Slow Down Before We Charge into 2022.

a Few Words
2 min readJan 1, 2022


I’m holding myself tight, I’m smiling

I’m hugging myself, and I’m staring at the mirror

I see her, she’s smiling back.

I laugh, feeling silly

You can join me, Please do

Make yourself at home. Like me, don’t think today,

Just be, and feel free to give in to joy


It doesn’t have to be scary

No, change doesn’t have to make you afraid

There is always someone out there holding a hand

If you just look up and see

And you’ll realize that, You too can feel free

To give in to joy

The joy inside you,

The joy inside me,

The joy that wants to break free,

The joy that wants to be seen,

by you,

By me, and by the world today


The joy that we are one

The joy that there will always be someone

To hear you, to hear me

To see you, to see me

The joy that there is someone to tell you

That you too can feel free, to give in to joy today


Please give yourself a hug

Please hold yourself tight

Please hold onto your light

Because we don’t know, what is on the other side

Please make yourself welcome

Please grab a seat

And let’s all hold hands as we experience this new year


Let’s not give in to uncertainty

Let’s not give in to fear

Let’s keep our heads up

As we experience this new year

Please feel free,

Please feel free,

To give in to joy, inside you, inside me,

Then share it with the world, and with those in need.

Happy New Year!


Thank you for supporting me in my 1st year on Medium! I hope to create more exciting pieces of inspiration with you in 2022!

