Happy Upcoming Christmas and a Cautious New Year

Some ideas for 2021

Regina Halmae
a Few Words
2 min readDec 2, 2020


Image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay

I know it’s way too soon to wish those wishes but we’ve been through a lot this year. And I’m really sorry to say this, but I expect nothing better from next year as well. The virus pandemic put our lives on hold this year, we didn’t get to do almost anything we wanted or planned for the year. We struggled through. Social distancing showed us who are our true friends and who are fake. A lot of people have died and nothing will bring them back. I’m truly sorry for your loss if it happened to your closest ones. Thousands of people have lost their jobs and their incomes. Families were and are still suffering because the virus is not done yet.

While many of us still hope for the best, I can assure you nothing will change if we are not willing to change our ways and beliefs. This right now is the ultimate sign that a lot of things need to be done differently. We’re on a brink of an economic crash, yet we still ignore what is happening. I’m glad Greta Thunberg addressed the climate change issues. I’m excited that governments are finally opting for sustainable choices. I’m thrilled that people are changing and standing up for their views on equality. But any of this still won’t matter if the majority of the population ignores the endeavours of the outspoken ones.

I’m not a politician, I’m a civilian. But I understand how important it is to make the right choices. It’s the holiday season. But we’ve long forgotten the true meaning of it. Even with the virus, I still see hundreds of thousands of people all over the world going mad over getting Christmas presents. Instead of just being with our closest ones while we can. I wish we could all ignore the neon signs and flashing lights luring us into the stores, to buy more, more, more. Who cares about a stupid mug, or a funny sweater if the person who got this for you won’t be there the next year?

Take the last month of this troubled year and try to find a way to break your old habits. Nothing will ever be the same again so we might as well start adapting now, instead of trying to be “on hold”. We got too comfortable in the modern world. It’s time to look in the mirror. It’s time to hear your own inner voice. It’s time to take responsibility for our actions. Make the right choices individually and socially. It’s up to us to save the planet.



Regina Halmae
a Few Words

Early Years Educator, MA. Full-time mother, professional teacher and spare time writer. Topics: Family, Education, Relationships, Self-help, Writing, and more.