Hidden Meaning Behind the Saying “I Like You”

There’s more being said than you think.

Vytautas Ratkevičius
a Few Words


Photo by Parker Johnson on Unsplash

We speak and express ourselves every day. However, most of the times we don’t stop to think about it.

The truth is that everything we say is a product of our intentions.

It’s healthy to know why we say certain things. It helps to bring up more meaning in your words. Also, it clarifies the communication getting it closer to the heart.

Recently, I thought about the meaning of the expression I like you.

The majority's intention of this saying is quite clear. It means I feel positive toward you, or I enjoy your presence.

What most of us don’t recognize is that we use the word like has a second meaning.

It’s a word of comparison.

What do we compare?

We compare ourselves with the object or person we like.

What I mean by this is I am like you.

When you try a new pair of shoes before buying you either say I don’t like it or I like it. In other words, it’s like saying to the shoes you fit me.

When something is like us we can relate. Also, it fits us.



Vytautas Ratkevičius
a Few Words

Digital writer aiming to inspire and empower you to live more puposeful life.