Higher Frequencies

Poetry with a hum from another realm

Darren Richardson
a Few Words


A songbird with beak open in song
Photo by Jeffrey Hamilton on Unsplash

Roy Orbison’s voice
still sounds alive and well
even on the cracking vinyl,
and time seems like something other
than a misunderstood concept
propelling us away from what was
as I remember crying,
over you,
over you,
in a timeless realm of selfless longings
where dreamy starlets still warble
like painted songbirds at dawn
singing about this very moment
and their prettiest dreamed-of futures
in one continuous chirp-note song
that fills the ever-bluing sky,
a song about who and what they will see,
and when and where they will go
flying through a flurry of joyous tomorrows,
no need for profound self-reflection
on the synergistic charms of enchanted melodies
after their spirited words
depart the scene like alchemical decoys
into the receding mental landscapes
of our silent recollections,
hinted at and almost magically revived
by a tender blast of recorded music
from a time that lives on forever
as something already passed.



Darren Richardson
a Few Words

Headline writer & copy editor for 15-plus years in newspapers (1990–2006) ; digital professional since 2008. Twitter: https://twitter.com/darren_medium