Angelo Austin
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2020
Photo by Sidharth Bhatia on Unsplash

Many students now have the opportunity to study in other countries , Studying aboard may bring some benefits to some student but it also has a significant number of disadvantages

An increasing number of students are deciding to study overseas and many find the opinion /option very attractive .Whilst this is not something that every student would choose , it is , in my opinion , an extremely attractive proposition for those who would benefit from the opportunity .

Studying overseas has many advantages for students . Firstly , it would give students the experience of other markets , cultures ,and perspectives. This means that those students with overseas experiences would become more attractive to prospective employers operating in this increasingly globalized world . Secondly , studying and living aboard would provide students with the opportunity of acquiring a second language at a social and professional level . As a result ,this would improve their contacts and employment prospects . Finally . the experience of studying and living in a foreign country ensures that students become more independent , self-confident and self -reliant .

On the other hand , studying aboard could have some disadvantages in some circumstances . If students had to study in a second language , it could limit their performance and success in their chosen subject . Further more for many students studying aboard would have no material benefits . For example , studying English in an Non-English speaking country or taking some technical subject may offer little benefit when compared to their home country .

In Conclusion , I believe that any disadvantages are heavily over weighed by the significant benefits that can come from studying aboard for those who could choose it . Not only would the experience gained from living in other countries be desirable to future employers but also giving proficiency in other language will only be a benefit to them in their future.

