Holding Light

Finding good in the uncertain

Stacy Smith
a Few Words


Much has been written about the negative impact of Covid-19 on our lives: sickness, loss, uncertainty.

I’ve decided to flip that and try to find some good.

This is difficult. I know people who’ve died from this disease, lost loved ones, suffered through its symptoms.

Finding good is hard.

But for the sake of sanity, and because I want to hold on to light, even when there appears to be only darkness, I’m taking a moment to look at the good — the things I found myself thankful for in the moment, and am thankful for still.

I remember when it seemed the whole world went still and quiet (a dream come true for introverts like me), giving me time to decide what was important enough in my life to keep, and draining enough to let go.

For a few glorious days, the skies were clear in cities known for their pollution; and for the first time ever, I saw images of their gorgeously vibrant, sun-filled and haze-free horizons.

I learned how to make rum cake. And while that means nothing to anyone outside my house, this confection sparked all the joy for my family. Forget banana bread. Everybody should be making rum cake.



Stacy Smith
a Few Words

writer of words, traveler of worlds, carrier of very large purses, lover of chocolate, avoider of veggies; find me at globalstacy7@gmail.com