How I Find Happiness as a Husband who Loves Washing Dishes

My wife sometimes still wonders why I am into doing the dishes.

Trung V. Nguyen
a Few Words
3 min readMay 17, 2020


I am not proud of my cooking, though I am good at it. But I am proud of my dish-washing skill. I love this chore. When my wife asks whether I had to choose between cooking and washing dishes, 10 out of 10 times, I will go for washing dishes. Every time, she just laughed and looked at me like I am from another planet.

After almost every meals, I will be in charge of washing dishes (we don’t have a dishwasher at home). Every time I do it, I find joy and happiness. This daily routine gave me lots of ideas for my job.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

It is not a simple chore, but a skills-required one.

Washing dishes is a chore requiring a complex of skills. You need to make sure three things: (1) all dishes are clean, (2) you do it fast enough, and (3) you don’t break anything. It is not easy to do it because of the slippery of soap and oil. We should focus on that to make sure you hold dishes firmly when you clean them.

It is similar to your job: you need to ensure the accuracy and the quality of your work, before the deadline with no mistake, to satisfy your client. Finding things in common between your household chore and your job is a good way for you to find out how you can work more effectively.

It is an excellent way to clear my mind.

A study from Florida State University showed that do the dishes can help you to release stresses and refresh your mind. You can be more inspired after washing dishes. It is true when I do that. The chore helps me to think of some new ideas, for the blog, for books I review, and what I can do for my job. New ideas come, motivation comes, productivity increases.

It is how a husband expresses love to their woman.

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Last but the most essential thing, washing dishes after meals is a way husbands show how they love their wives.

The chemical detergent or soap causes my wife’s hand chapped with a bit of blood. I don’t want something worse and doing the dishes for her will be an absolute solution. I am happy with that.

While I know some wives force their husbands to do chores, it is my pleasure to help my wife. Think about it, what is better than you are doing the tasks to help your woman? For me, it is an excellent way to keep the happiness of the marriage.

You don’t need to earn $1,000 to be happy, though it is incredible. Some small thing such as doing the dishes and helping the one you love can bring you happiness. That’s how I find it, as a husband who loves dishwashing.

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Trung V. Nguyen
a Few Words

Legal practitioner | Travel lover | Blogger-to-be.