How Not To Do Business

The surefire way to fail as a solopreneur

N. Y. Adams 🖋️
a Few Words
2 min readJul 11, 2020


Photo by Dimitri Houtteman on Unsplash

Be content with the status quo

Stay in your comfort zone at all times. Don’t try new things! After all, that’s way too risky and you could lose out on something or have to work a little harder.

Be just like everyone else

Don’t stand out, under any circumstances. Avoid being different and shoving your USP in potential clients’ faces. No one wants a braggart. Play it safe and blend in.

Repeat whatever everyone else says

Don’t have an opinion! That’s a big no-no. Repeat and share what others are saying and refrain from adding your own comments or thoughts. After all, what if people don’t like them?

Always eat alone

Don’t waste your time scheduling lunch dates or attending networking brunches. That’s for losers who have no work to do. You’re busy, so keep your head down and scoff down your lunch at your desk while you’re answering emails. You’ll be so much more efficient than those networking time-wasters.

Follow every trend

If everyone else does it, it must be good! Follow the crowd, and don’t stand out. Hop onto the latest bandwagon every time. Nobody likes show-offs who think they know everything better.

Forget everyone’s birthday and important dates

Isn’t that what friends and family are for? It’s simply unnecessary to fill up your brain with useless details like client or peer birthdays or anniversaries. You’ve got bigger fish to fry!

Always compare yourself against your weakest competitor

Stay away from the big guns; they’re nothing but trouble! As long as you only measure yourself against the small fries, you’ll come out on top and be just fine. Just keep on keeping on, right in your comfort zone.

Only hang out with people you know

Making new connections is something for folks who can’t get any work and are desperate for new clients. That’s not you, for sure. Stick to who and what you know, and you’ll be all right. After all, you haven’t starved yet.

Don’t support anyone without expecting something in return

Make sure everyone knows you’re not a pushover and won’t be taken advantage of. Every time you do something nice for a client or help a colleague out, be sure to ask for a favour in return and keep a tally. Tit for tat.

That’s it! Now you’re perfectly equipped to fail in your business endeavour.



N. Y. Adams 🖋️
a Few Words

Nicole Y. Adams is a freelance commercial German/English marketing and PR translator and editor based in Brisbane, Australia. 🌴☕