How Seven Words Got a Man Evicted From His Home

Based on a true story

Zul Bal
a Few Words


Photo by Joel Mbugua on Unsplash

An eccentric street performer named Tachowa Covington had been living in an abandoned water tank outside of Los Angeles for seven years when, in 2011, a rogue artist spray-painted a seven-word message on it.

People quickly took notice of the tank. Tourists came to look at it and take pictures. Art collectors saw value in it and an arts conglomerate promptly bought it from its owner for a pittance and hauled it off to a warehouse.

Tachowa was evicted and devastated.

After his eviction, he tried living in the woods before moving to a gritty hotel, which he hated. He had no idea why people clamored for those seven words scribbled on the tank. He couldn’t understand how on earth his humble home had ended up as an object of greed and desire.

He thought the message was kind of funny, but nothing special. Was it a secret code and if so, for what?, he wondered. How dare this fucker take my home away from me, he spat.

He didn’t know who the heck this dude was that everyone else seemed to know about. Luckily, he didn’t have to suffer for too long. To his utter amazement, the artist heard of his plight and came to his rescue, offering him enough to rent an apartment and pay his bills for a whole year.



Zul Bal
a Few Words

I write to collect, capture, and curate ordinary beautiful ideas.