How To Know It Is Time

Lydia Nduta
3 min readAug 3, 2022


We have all been there….That unsettling feeling that you have overstayed… in a relationship, a job, a career, a neighborhood, that situation…. you can no longer ignore the high pitch voice in your head that change is the only option you have.

So, how do you know that it is time to take that bold move and CHANGE?

You know it is time when you feel like you are constantly hitting your head against a stone wall. When you have explored all options but still… nothing. When no amount of effort is changing the situation to your favour. You try all your knowledge to make the situation better but the results are the same. You end up stressed, worked up, very irritable and feels like huffing up a mountain.

When you wake up everyday and when you think of the situation, all your energy levels take a spiral curve downward. You feel tired all the time, droopy and all psyche sapped up. That’s an indicator that it is time for change. You cannot afford to go on like that. You need to take charge and get your groove back. Do not let your whole self sink into depression because of that which requires you to change. Most times our bodies communicate so well that it is time for change. Listen to the inner voice. Your gut never lies.

You know it is time for change when you lose interest in the activities that you would otherwise look forward to. That daily physical exercise, meeting up with friends over coffee, when that hobby suddenly becomes an uphill task… It is time for change. If you don’t take charge now, you will look back and see you have become a shadow of your former self. Press the pause button in your life and change course before it is too late.

So, now that you know it is time, what next?

There will be a myriad of emotions; raging from excitement, regret, self doubt, fear of the unknown and emptiness. One assurance that will see you through the dark days is that you made the right decision.

CHANGE was the only OPTION.

It is time to move on… Whatever you were thinking while reading this, just know that it is going to be okay. Keep one foot in front of the other and before you know it, you will have made so much desirable progress.

One of the most courageous decisions you will ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul.. ..Brigitte Nicole

Be proud of who you are and who you are changing to become. Pat yourself on the back when you take those baby steps and achieve those small milestones. Take it like reading an interesting book, you keep turning on the pages…

Tap and drink from the fountain of grace of letting go and the strength of moving on to untold joy and newness. Let go of the shores to experience the thrills of the deep seas. You will love it!

May God grant you the desires of your heart as you place your hand in His and enjoy that sweet walk to untold joy and freedom in Him!!!



Lydia Nduta

Friend of God, I believe Life is a one time gift.. So love,laugh,live,be yourself,be happy and have trust in God.