How to Play Imaginary Hide and Seek

It’s an easy way to pass time during long stretches of boredom

David B. Clear
a Few Words


Image by author. Based on a photo by Cristian Palmer on Unsplash.

If you’re stuck inside a submarine crossing the Pacific, a spaceship on its way to Mars, or your home during a worldwide pandemic, you are at serious risk of keeling over from boredom. Luckily, there is an easy cure. And what is that miracle cure you ask? The same that helped you survive boredom in childhood. Games of course!

Now, I know you could play video games on your computer or phone. But maybe your submarine doesn’t have an Internet connection to download the latest games, your phone died half way to Mars, or your vision is already as blurry as a picture of Bigfoot from staring at screens all day. Playing games on a computer might therefore not be what you’re looking for. But you know what? You don’t need a fancy gadget to kill some time. All you need is another human being and your mouth.

Huh? No, it’s not what you’re thinking! You just need your mouth to speak. Geez…

Anyway, as long as you can talk to someone in your submarine, spaceship, or home, you can play imaginary hide and seek with them.

The rules of the game are quite simple:

  1. You can be any size and you can survive in any environment (extreme heat or cold, lack of oxygen, extreme…



David B. Clear
a Few Words

Cartoonist, science fan, PhD, eukaryote. Doesn't eat cats, dogs, nor other animals. 1,000x Bottom Writer.