How to See and Value You’re Gifts Even When They Aren’t Obvious

Intangible talents matter too!

Leslie Brooks
a Few Words


Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are. -Malcolm S. Forbes

When I was growing up, I always wanted to be special but believed I was only equipped to be ordinary since I didn’t have a tangible talent.

I thought that real talent was limited to things you can see like a painting, taste like a meal, or touch like a piece of furniture. I felt discouraged by these things for a long time.

The special thing I have to offer is not accessed with the senses. It’s transparent so that I can see yours more clearly. It lets me see you and your potential and then hold up a mirror so you can see it for yourself.

Today I’m sharing the reasons why I believe it took me so long to figure these things out. I believe these could be the same reasons you may struggle to see your own unique gifts.

Photo by Drew Graham on Unsplash

Check these out and let me know if they sound familiar.

  1. You don't like who you are.
  2. You don’t think what you have is special.
  3. You don’t know how to use what you have.

You don’t like who you are.



Leslie Brooks
a Few Words

Coach/Behavior Change Specialist. Learn how to be habitually calm with simple solutions you can use today.