How We Used to Be

A Poem

Scorpio Poetry
a Few Words
1 min readJan 25, 2021


Photo by Caleb Ekeroth on Unsplash

We had a passionate love that was out of control,
painful yet full of pleasure,
that’s how we used to be.

I would wait on you, my love,
always waiting for you to come back to me
so that we could start this cycle again.

But that’s how we used to be.

And now, I no longer desire to go back to how things once were.
It was painful, unpredictable, wild.
The highest highs and the lowest lows.

Instead, I want to move forward and move on
to the promise of something new,
something better.

Do you believe me this time?
Or do you see us going back to how we used to be?

Our love can be reborn from the cindered past
I believe that to be true.
There is a whisper of love that has potential,
but it all takes time,
Do you have that?
Do I?

And though love is rooted deeply in our hearts
no matter how many times we've tried to destroy it
the love regrows new again,
and our hearts are left waiting,
that we will get it right.

But should we go back to how things used to be?

