Hugh Jackman’s Ethics Can Make You Think Twice About Cancelling

“You keep your word, even if it does not benefit you.”

Scott Stockdale
a Few Words


hugh jackman blue shirt
Photo by Reuters in The Times

Three people have cancelled meetings with me, all in the space of a week.

I get it — sh*t happens.

The one that pissed me off, though, was someone who cancelled ten minutes after our call was supposed to take place because he was drinking with friends.

Call me old-fashioned, but how is this okay?

Whatever the reason, I'm taking a stand. No more “it’s alright mate, we can rearrange.” I’d already blocked out my time, and as far as I’m concerned, they wasted it.

Last summer, Hugh Jackman talked about this on The Tim Ferriss Show.

If he’s agreed to spend time with someone and another opportunity comes up — one he might prefer to do — he’ll still do the first. It was a lesson his dad drummed into him.

“If you get an invitation to go— I don’t know — across the road to your mate’s place for dinner, and then an hour later you get an invitation from the Queen of England to go to the Buckingham Palace, you stick by your first one. He was just a stickler on ethics. You keep your word, even if it does not benefit you. You always keep your word.”



Scott Stockdale
a Few Words

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