I Dream of Having A Bookshop of My Own

Shikhil Vyas
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2022
Source: Inna Miller

A Little Bookshop

Sometimes, I dream of having a little bookshop of my own. You know, like the ones you see in movies? — A quaint-looking store located in one of the hidden corners of the crowded market.

I imagine myself sitting at the checkout counter of my bookshop. It’s a cold winter day and outside the window, I see people roaming around the market. Everyone seems cheerful, and why wouldn’t they be? After all, Diwali is around the corner.

There’s something magical about this festival of lights. When Americans talk about how wonderful Christmas is, I kind of understand what they mean because Diwali is its Indian equivalent. I’d say it’s even better because, of course, I’m biased.

But that’s a conversation for some other day. For now, let’s get back to my little bookshop.

So, as I look outside the window, a young couple enters my bookstore. Here I am digressing again, but don’t you think young love is something else? There’s so much honesty and innocence there. Young lovers don’t care about the practicalities of life. They don’t care about their career plans, and they definitely don’t care about the EMIs, the mortgages. All they have is unconditional love and that I feel is beautiful.

I gently greet these young lovers with a smile as they look around my shop to find a good book. I suggest that they can also sit in the in-shop café if they prefer. After all, books are just an excuse. They just want to spend some time with each other and what better way to spend time than to share a warm cup of coffee on a cold winter day.

They pick a copy of ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ and move towards the café. I wonder if they are aware that the book they’ve picked is actually a tragic one. But again, it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters to them right now is each other’s company.

While they giggle and blush talking to each other, I wonder how grateful I am to see such interesting people every day. Every day, my bookshop shows me a new story with new faces. Every day, my little bookshop gives me a peek into human lives, and I couldn’t be any more grateful.

For the world, I own this bookshop. But only I know that it’s the bookshop that owns me.

If it wasn’t for this bookshop, I would still be sitting in a cubicle, typing words for a blog post that needs to go out today because my marketing manager said so.

That reminds me, I do have a blog post that I need to finish today. I got so lost in my imagination that I forgot I don’t own a bookshop yet. So, I better get back to my work now. See you next time. Ciao.

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Shikhil Vyas
a Few Words

Writer & storyteller; sharing uplifting life lessons to set you up for the day || I try writing words that comfort people 🌸 Simpler Sundays 👉🏻 bit.ly/3ESP275