I Spend Time Thinking About The Diamonds In Jupiter

True story

Gal Mux
a Few Words


Photo by WikiImages on Pixabay

Did you know that it rains diamonds in Jupiter and Saturn?

According to scientists, the methane that is abundant in these gaseous planets gets turned into graphite as it falls which eventually hardens into diamonds big enough to fit a ring.

I usually wonder about them. I think if a billionaire could build a powerful spaceship strong enough to travel to Jupiter and Saturn they could bring those diamonds back to Earth.

Think about the good they would do!

If the billionaire is a philanthropist, they could use the earnings to wipe out Third World debt, they could help fight hunger, poverty and homelessness. They could invest in free education. They also could help wipe out burdening student loans and other stressful debts.

They could help entrepreneurs launch their businesses and help children without parents or any other form of support get started in life.

I hope an evil billionaire would not get control of them. That would be an entirely different story all together.

I spend a lot of time thinking about the diamonds in Jupiter and how useful they could be to us on earth.



Gal Mux
a Few Words

Lover of all things reading, writing, farms & gardens, 🥭&🍍salsas, laughter, crypto, MJ & Beyoncé. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/GalMux