If Wishes Were Horses, Beggars Would Ride

trayy A.
a Few Words
Published in
1 min readDec 11, 2020

Wouldn’t it just be the grandest thing if all our wishes could come true?

Call it naive, call it ignorant, call it childish but wishes stem from a place of hope. After all you only wish for what you hope to one day have.

It’s so hard growing into yourself and growing up that our once trivial wishes for a new toy when we were toddlers or for our mother to give us more juice is nothing in comparison to the despondent wishes to wake up happy or to no longer feel the overwhelming sorrow of our poverty stricken lives for another day.

A wish does nothing but it can mean everything when pursued with an action. A wish is nothing but the beginning. The thought that leads to an idea and an idea that leads to a goal. No goal is accomplished without action.

So, today you wish, tomorrow you act or your wish becomes nothing but lost hope, unfulfilled dreams and desires of a beggar that does not wish to grow.



trayy A.
a Few Words

I am me. I cannot be more. Nor can I be less. Feel it, listen to it, maybe someone will understand it