Source — (Pixabay)

Illusions of Separation


a Few Words
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2019


Which way does one go to find the manifestation of one’s imagination? Or do we just step aside certain molecules to be able to see what is behind them? A tiny minuscule degree of change in perception can suddenly bring into view entire other dimensions.

See a flower. See it open up in blossom in fast-motion like those time-lapse images. See it open up right in front of your face. See it open up again and again.

The flower is merely rearranging its molecules. That is what we do all the time, every second of the day; a constant steady flow of molecules kaleidoscoping into different pictures and things and stories.

There is a lot of space between those molecules; enough to drive a tank through. Have you ever gone swimming through that space? Inner space needs no space crafts — just imagination. Of course imagination can be used to navigate outer space as well.

We live in that funny little space between outer space and inner space. It is a very thin band of formatted space where outer space and inner space meet. It is as thin as the space between an ocean and the air above the ocean. As we tread water part of us is above the water and part of us is below. Only a very small portion of us is within that thin band that is the surface of the water (or bottom of the air). So it is with our lives…

