‘Ism’ Interrupters: 3 Easy Phrases for Newbie Anti-Racists & Allies

The worst thing you can say is nothing.

Ashley Cleland, M.Ed.
a Few Words


Photo by Oleg Laptev on Unsplash

You’ve been hearing, “Silence is violence.”

You know you should say something. But you’re so afraid of saying the wrong thing that you end up saying nothing.

Our discomfort is far from the ultimate price paid by marginalized folks at the hands of racism, transphobia, and sexism, among other toxic ‘isms’. But the discomfort is real and these simple phrases can help you move through discomfort to action.

Start speaking up today with these phrases.

“Can you explain the joke to me? I don’t understand why it is funny.”

Playing dumb can be a very effective strategy at exposing bias. Be genuine and curious. Keep asking questions and simplifying the inappropriate joke to its poisonous roots.

The Southern Poverty Law Center explains in their guide for responding to everyday bigotry, “When faced with crafting an answer, the speaker may begin to understand the inappropriateness of the remark.”

“We don’t need to get into this right now, but I don’t share that belief.”



Ashley Cleland, M.Ed.
a Few Words

Educator & Writer. Passionate about feminist leadership. *Views my own*