It is okay to say NO!

Sahi N
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2019

Often we give in to all the peer pressure and external factors in convincing ourselves to do things we don’t want to!.. is it really worth the time and effort?

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I am a firm believer of ‘one shall live a free, forceless life.’ It is a burden even to go out to get coffee with someone whose company we don’t enjoy. It could be because you don’t want to hurt them, or you don’t want to miss out on anything. Whatever might the reason be, it never ends well.

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

For me, the main reason I’ve done things I wasn’t really into was ‘FOMO,’ Yes people, the good old ‘fear of missing out.’ Don’t we all suffer it? And succumb to it?
It sure isn’t an ideal way to lead one’s life.
My years of doing this lead to immense stress and misery. I never came home feeling fantastic. I’d instead look at things that I needed, wanted to do, and end up feeling worse.
What is the need for being a part of everything? Why can’t we hit the stop button and take a deep breath!?.

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

It felt impossible for me ever to gather the courage to say, “NO,” but it was only a matter of time. Everyone has that one thing they are uniquely capable of doing. I believe it is a lot better to put in all the energy in doing what we are meant to do.

After a long battle with my inner demons, I decided to tap out and shift the gears to say no. The first-time needed strength and the second and time after that was a way to live. Today, I am a happy soul doing what she loves and learning to be better at it.

Sahithya, an IT professional, Working in the field for the last 4 years. She mostly likes her job but LOVES to write. She makes sure to whip up something on her blog from time to time, That is what keeps her sane.

She also enjoys sketching and painting from time to time as a stress buster. She also enjoys to Binge read some random picks on her Kindle.

Sahithya worked as a Volunteer English Teacher at Make a difference (Non-Profit Organization) during 2011–2012, and as a Student Volunteer at Street Cause (NGO) in 2012.

Originally published at on December 4, 2019.

This story is published in a Few Words, Medium’s publication that only accepts stories under 500 words.

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Sahi N
a Few Words

How fun is it to show the world within you through words ?