It’s Okay to Feel How You Feel

Michelle Saade
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2021
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I really don’t get why some people judge other people’s feelings. It’s not like they choose to feel one way or another. I bet that if they would have the power to control their emotions, they would opt for not feeling sad, or upset, or embarrassed, or whatever.

It’s funny how when you are in whatever state of mind, people would say, for example: “Oh, but don’t be sad!”

If it only were that simple.

Emotions exist to be felt. There is no other way to make them go away. You need to accept them, feel them, and in time, they will lose their power over you. If you feel depressed under a circumstance, don’t be so hard on yourself for feeling that way. Sometimes, our emotions about our emotions become a bigger problem, and it is not fair that you put that weight on yourself when you are already struggling.

Why do you think some people just want to go out every single day, or drink, or have a rebound when something doesn’t work as they wanted? They do it because they are avoiding feeling. They want to avoid negative emotions because let's be honest, who wants them? But deep inside, that drink, that party, that one-night stand, will not make the issue go away. It will be a temporary distraction, but the emotions will remain there, wanting to be felt.

So, feel. Feel it all. It won’t be easy, but it’s one step closer to be where you want to be.

The wiser person is not the one that “cares less” and acts like a robot. The wiser person is the one that takes a pause, accepts their emotions, even the negative ones, and trusts that tomorrow will be better.

And it will be better.

