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Learn To Hold Your Tongue

Athirah Syamimi
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2019


One second you’re shouting things you don’t mean and the next second, you’re regretting it. Then, you apologise for it.

You think everything is fine because the person forgives you… until you repeat it. Soon, it becomes a toxic relationship where you are constantly hurting each other.

It’s so easy to lash out in the heat of the moment. You think that it’s okay because the person will understand that you were upset. Well, if the person were empathic, they would understand. If the person is not as forgiving, you’ll probably face a full-on “fight”.

And before you know it, your 10-year friendship is gone.

Holding Your Tongue Is Not A Weakness

It’s a strength. Your ability to assess the situation and think your thoughts through before speaking is something many people lack. This ability will make you a better decision-maker.

Who wants a boss who panics and shouts at everyone because the sales aren’t growing? Or a friend who constantly belittles you every time you don’t agree with them? Or a partner who forgets about all the good you’ve done together and disgraces you just because you couldn’t help them one time?

Nobody. You would rather work and be with someone who sees a bad situation and calmly thinks of a solution.



Athirah Syamimi
a Few Words

Writing about life, side hustling and content creation.