Learning to Walk

K. K. Mullin
a Few Words
Published in
Nov 22, 2020
Photo by Jake Givens on Unsplash

It was gradual

A day here
A few minutes there
A week passed
She worked and
Could feel the power growing
Perhaps that was all she needed.
A strengthening
That became its own thing.
Pushing light
Through the muddy waters
So much hope
So much doubt.

I have disappointed.
I have been weak.
I have been impatient.
My time has passed.

She put her feet on the soft cool ground.
Her body took over
Without faltering
Not a grunt of weariness.

No, my body can do this

In the light she found
She walked.



K. K. Mullin
a Few Words

Full time environmental and education professional; life long lover of words, plants and people. karenkellymullin.com