Literary Saturday

An early morning delight

Kiki Wellington
a Few Words


Photo by manualvarezfoto on DepositPhotos

Little Kiki Wellington loved Saturdays. Not because she didn’t have to go to school, but because she got to go to her cathedral, the library, for as long as she wanted. She had to wake up early for her trip — and in some cases, pull all-nighters to be sure she got up on time — so she could be there as soon as the doors opened. After all, she couldn’t risk someone else getting the good books she wanted.

With all the excitement of a Christmas morning, little Kiki took her grandmother’s shopping cart to the library so she could load it with all the books she wanted for the week. After all, she couldn’t carry them in her arms — there were just too many. And after hours and hours of choosing all the reads she could handle, Kiki checked out and enjoyed the librarian’s approving smile and comments about how much she loved to read. Then she went home, dove in, and hibernated in her room until Monday morning.

This reading frenzy continued for years…and then life got in the way. After all, Kiki’s always too busy to justify whiling away an entire weekend with her nose firmly nestled in books. The majority of her reading is work related now, but she longs for those weekends when she could do nothing but read anything she wanted for as long as she wanted.

