Love Happens

Fresh air, warm hearts… how?

Elisa Álvarez
a Few Words


Photo by Fabrizio Verrecchia on Unsplash

I can’t remember the first time I felt eager for love.

But I’m certain I was wrong. My idea of it was completely mistaken. However, I like to believe it was not my fault.

Growing up, society failed me. It failed all of us. The constant misrepresentation of so many concepts has built the mess we’re living in. Physically, mentally, emotionally… and we’re left with ourselves to discover the world through our tears.

First of all, love does not hurt. I wish I had known it earlier. I wish someone had told me all those heartbreak songs were just misconceptions about it.

The way love has been portrayed in the media makes me sick nowadays. I wish we had been able to see more healthy relationships in the movies, series, and, well… everywhere. I hope we can now aim to represent true love for future generations, so they grow up healthier and kinder.

But what is love?

I’m sure it depends on everyone. But, for me, love is fresh air.

Love is the never-ending giggle I let out whenever I’m playing with my dogs. It’s the way they show me joy with their whole bodies, and how they drag me back to the garden so I can toss the ball one more time. It’s their rough greeting, their eyes speaking a language I’ve never…



Elisa Álvarez
a Few Words

Learning to be my most creative, productive and authentic self.