Lovely Seamstress

She was really the best!

Misa Ferreira de Rezende
a Few Words
2 min readOct 29, 2020


“Courtesy of the Author”

My mother was a wonderful seamstress. I could write an entire book about her, in fact, I already did, but this is another story. Well, she was very smart. She told us many stories and one of them was that she had learned to sew with a lady I don’t remember the name.

My mother worked with that lady every day. There, they cut the cloth, sewed, talked, and took care of the requests. Smart as my mom was, she soon surpassed her master. Of course, this is a deduction from me, but she was really the best! One day, the master looked and looked at a patch and said:

  • Zezé, look what a beautiful fabric! We could have an amazing dress if the patch was a little bigger! Have you ever thought of going to the church with a rare jewel-like that?

Upon returning home, my mother took the flap with her. Like a mathematician poring over an impossible equation, my mother studied the measurements of the flap deeply trying to work a miracle with that piece of fabric. She devised a very original outfit and got to work. At 4 am, the dress was ready. She made a package and went to work at the house of her master. After arriving, she said:

  • Dear, this is for you.

Stunned, the master saw the dress that had sprung from my mother’s efficiency and creativity. She was overjoyed, maybe it was the best gift of her life. Happier was my mom. Early on she realized that giving was infinitely more enjoyable than receiving.

So, my mother told me. So she made cute little dresses for me and my sister. With teary eyes, I remember her generosity. Mother is always the mother.



Misa Ferreira de Rezende
a Few Words

I write because the world enchants me, death frightens me and life amazes me. I am a writer. “About me” stories