Magnificent Creature Of God

About Woman

Kiranjeet Kaur
a Few Words
2 min readSep 21, 2023



Woman! Such a majestic creature of God,

She is full of authority, dominion, jurisdiction, sway, and command!

Woman! Voice is full of confidence that

shows full encouragement to defense!

Woman! The heart is like a garden,

ornamented with the fragrance of love, sympathy, care, warmth, productivity, and deep affection!

Woman! It is a river of deep thoughts with the

pondering of the depth of numerous knots!

Woman! Behavior depends upon the mode of the front person,

which makes her manifest the notion of the front person!

Woman! She is eternal and never dies,

alive in the form of poems, thoughts, and role models for the next generation!

A woman! can do everything she wants

because she has the caliber to do impossible things!

Woman! Full of chrome

with the different colors of life!

Woman rights! Where are the woman rights?

She has always fought for her rights since the last era!

A woman! Deviser of a whole generation,

and she needs respect and power to use her rights!

Woman rights! Like a wildflower,

That will be enjoyed by the woman only under harsh control!

Woman happiness! When she entertained her priority

by overlapping the extra responsible task!

Woman Hope! She wants to enjoy her rights, her priority unescorted any barrier of societal force!

Woman Enlightened! Her thoughts are in front of people without fear of voice notes of spare overlapping any notion!

©Kiranjeet Kaur ,September 2023

