Mastering the Art of Flow Could Change Your Workday Forever

Get more deep work done using this technique

Matt Inman
a Few Words


Do you want to get more productive in your day?

Who doesn't, right?

What if you could become your own Pavlov's dog? Hearing that bell, and instead of drooling, you become focused and quickly start on important tasks.

If that sounds appealing, you might consider mastering the art of Flow.

What is it?

Flow is the mental state in which you perform an activity fully immersed in it. It's a state where time doesn't pass for you. It passes around you.

You may have heard it referred to as "Being in the zone" or "In the pocket" or even "Runner's high."

We associate Flow with athletes, but it's just as common in the workplace. How often have you sat down to complete a project and get so pulled in that the hours pass and you only look up when you notice everyone is leaving for the day?

Those days tend to be few and far between. But with practice, you can learn to recognize the stages of Flow and help transition to the peak performance state.

You can start by building good habits to make the shift faster and less painful.



Matt Inman
a Few Words

Writer, Tech, and Travel nerd. Connecting with amazing people to encourage you to take action in your life. Let’s talk —