
Musings of a novice writer

A verse to capture new writer's struggles

Aeishwarya Baviskar
a Few Words


Photo by jules a. on Unsplash

Ideas come to mind
Somethings never heard of their kind
Shattering against the mental walls
Challenging perception of one and all
Days go by…
Nights fall dark
Not one of those ideas
I seem to park

One fine morning
The decision is made
My pen shall not be laid
I renew my battle
Against the cattle
I rise again
But will it all be in vain?

No! No! No!
Not this time
I promise! I promise!
The beast will be tamed
The storm will be maimed
I will hold my ground
I will write it down
But there comes my darling distraction
No one can explain our attraction!
The pen kept down
I listen to the sounds of evenings brown

Alas! I write
Of blossoms white
Of actions right
Of cities bright
Of the moon-light
Of ghost of my past
Of hopes that might last
Then I close my book
I get lost again

I am naive yet
But I do not regret
Full of passion
I write my words
Lack of discipline
I shoo away the birds
I promise! I promise!
One day,
I will hold my pen steady
Until then,
Am I not ready?

Thank you for reading :)

