Satire | Story | Sleeping

My Neighbors Can’t Keep Quiet At Night

No peace at 2 AM.

Dipesh Malhotra
a Few Words


I’m dreaming, flying in the air with a lady flying by my side.

But what’s that?

Loud moaning sounds?

“Yeah, baby!”

“Do that, again.”

“I love you”

I wish.

She won’t let me sleep

The sound is of a woman.

She’s talking. Loud.

It’s not the dream lady.

She’s enjoying the flight, all smiles with her wavy hair.

The voice is coming from outside the dreamy Earth’s atmosphere.

And a shout wakes me up in real life.

A woman is chanting words down on the road.

(I live on the 1st floor).

A man’s voice joins along.

They are talking about some work stuff?

Meeting tomorrow again?

She’s talking on the phone?

What the hell?

I check the clock.

It’s 2 AM for God’s sake.

I want to yell —

“Why the hell are you talking so loud in the middle of the night?

Can’t you guys hear each other clearly without yelling?

There is literally no other voice.

No cars are honking. Nobody is speaking. Only you two.

Then why the hell do you have to yell and disturb someone’s sleep?”

But I choose to stay silent and suffer.

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Nobody cares about manners anymore?

I will never understand why some humans have the least regard for other humans.

I mean it’s 2 AM and if you want to be having conversations at 2 it’s fine by me

But why the hell are you including me in the conversation?

Go inside the house and talk all you want. I don’t care.

Just don’t disturb my sleep, please?

If I was the police, I would ban talking loud after 10 PM and everyone found guilty would be thrown behind bars so they won’t disturb others with their voice.

But I guess the Police have better things to take care of.

Why I am Angry (and then some)

If I woke up at 2 AM to a dog barking, I would be fine.

Because a dog doesn’t have a conscience.

But a human who isn’t dying or drunk or having unnaturally loud’ sex?

I’m sure they don’t have the slightest regard for other human beings

These are the kind of people who’d see you bleeding all over and say “oh that’s just tomato sauce”.

I mean, where the hell are the manners?

Can’t you just whisper at night?

There’s no interference anyway.

Or maybe it’s just me who can’t sleep without absolute silence.

So I should just get earplugs and plug myself away from the world.

But what if someone is dying (or having unnaturally loud sex) when I have the earplugs on?

I wouldn’t be able to hear their cries.

I guess I’ll have to rely on the chance of inconsiderate humans being asleep at 2 AM.

Otherwise, I should just sleep during the day.

Or not sleep at all?

Yeah, maybe I should become a vampire and suck on human blood.

At least then I would hear proper screams.

Not just some people talking late at night about “work”.

So suggest me some good earplugs before I turn into a blood-sucking creature.

Or don’t.

I can wake up at 2 and yell at the top of my lungs —

“Let me sleep you inconsiderate idiots!”

The whole colony would wake up then.


Has this ever happened to you — loud neighbors disturbing your sweet night's sleep?



Dipesh Malhotra
a Few Words

Huff huff! If you disturb him, he’ll write a Horry story with your name (and probably make you roll down a hill). Future Author.