My Solar system travels

Fax Chops
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readMay 25, 2019
Wei Ding unsplash

I started with Mercury

Morning star closest to the Sun

The swift footed and fast

Moody and temperamental to last !

I went next to Venus

God of love and passion

Beauty, mystery, scandal

Too hot for me to handle !

Next stop was Mars

Roman Red God of War

Apt I guess I pray

Men come from there they say !

Jupiter the king of Gods

“Zeus” as the Greeks named

I’d get lost here I think

Sometimes I’d wish that, wink wink !

The ringed planet Saturn

Was next on my fly list

But the rings got in my way

Or maybe the Devil had his say !

Further I went on in my pursuit

And reached the tilted Uranus

Father of Saturn, has been called

Is that why my spaceship stalled !

Neptune, God of the Seas

This would be my final stop

Cool, blue, mysterious

Was causing me to be delirious !

Pluto the dwarf and distant

God of the Underworld its said

Time to turn back, fool

Spaceship had run out of fuel !

So back to Earth I turned my self

The Solar system having been conquered

“Time for dinner” the wife was screaming

Oh, was I just day-dreaming? !!

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Fax Chops
a Few Words

IT Professional, Startup Expert, Coach, Socialist at Heart. Love to trek/ travel/workout, meet new people. Introvert with an Extrovert outlook on life.