
Joaquim Benet
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2023
Photo by Markus Blüthner on Unsplash


I don’t fear God, but His Principle. The principles of restoration.


Pay your indemnity and feel free. Let your heart guide you. Flow like water.


Be a good fellow to your spouse, for this is the best fellowship you can enjoy.


The final judgement is when someone says “True Parents” and you are ready or not to feel the value of such words.


There’s no speech nor logic that can bring faith to someone who doesn’t want it. Take care not to lose yours instead.


I have never been a fan of deceiving myself, but I have sometimes done it: I have pretended that I couldn’t see, that I couldn’t hear, and I did not see and I did not hear. I didn’t want to understand and I didn’t understand.


Complain, get angry, and tomorrow you will sin. And the day after tomorrow you will still have to pay. Complaint and anger embitter the spirit.


We should be very sorry to be in the position of having to say thanks for the ignorance received.


The Creator, the Father and the Mother. This should have been the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and it is the original concept of the Trinity.


My worst enemies are usually found in the spiritual dimension, and while it is true that they can act through the hands of others, their specialty and predilection is to do so through my own mind and even from my own body.


No one recognizes the Messiah without first passing the lesson of humility.


To be guided to the True Parents one must fervently long for the establishment of the Kingdom.


If you don’t want to stumble along the way

live in gratitude, like a mystic

surf the world with the clean and benign outlook

of a father or a mother


Even a small light is a great help in the midst of darkness

