“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”

a Few Words
Published in
1 min readOct 26, 2021


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Our brain is heavily biased about having short-term gratifications.

And nearly everything around us is pushing more in that direction: when we want something, must be obtained easily and as fast as we can. Multi billionaires businesses are built on this simple concept.

So, when this is not happening, we give up or, worst, we don’t even try.

But, as Earl Nightingale reminds us in this quote, time pass anyway and what will we become, what we will achieve depends on our previous choices and our ability to envision in the long term, instead of pursuing inaction or fast shortcuts.

But if our brain is built in this way, what we can do? Simply, we can exploit this mechanism and break down a vision in goals, the goals in objectives and the objectives in actions to perform.

Action will lead to confidence, confidence will lead to results and results will feed our brain with the satisfaction of achieving them, craving for more, enabling a self-fulfilling cycle.

This is how we make our dreams come true…



a Few Words

Father | Tech guy for work and fun | Runner | Aspiring to minimalism | In a quest of learning how to live a meaningful life, day by day